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Hymns and Hymn Tunes

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (GRAPEVINE

The traditional text is set to an original tune and harmonization -- part of a brief cantata, Call to Remembrance, composed for the 50th anniversary of First Presbyterian Church in Grapevine, Texas.   PDF

Savior of the Nations, Come (TWENTY-SEVEN

The traditional Advent text is set to new music which is in the style of a Lutheran chorale.  I composed this in the fall as Dee and I were approaching our twenty-seventh anniversary.   PDF

Unless the Lord Builds the House (REDOUBT

This text and music are original, composed for the dedication of the new sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church in Grapevine, Texas.  The text alludes to Psalm 127:1 ("Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.") and Matthew 7:24-27 (house built on rock vs. house built on sand).  PDF


A "sturdy," "English-traditional-sounding" tune adapted to set the Apostles' Creed in my Missa Brevis in G.



This is an original hymn tune in, as the tune name implies, a minor key and with an emotionally tortured feel.  Note the harmonic twist at the end of the third system.  This music would suit Holy Week or Good Friday texts.  PDF


Hightimber is the name of the beautiful street on which we lived when I finished this original hymn tune.  As with other of my hymn tunes composed without a specific text in mind, the metric indicator should be regarded as approximate:  by slurring two notes -- e.g., a dotted quarter and the following eighth -- two "syllables" may be turned into one.  PDF


This original hymn tune was revealed to me terminating a period when I feared I had lost the ability to compose original music, hence, the tune's name.  PDF


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Liturgical Music

Sanctus; Christ Has Died, Christ Is Risen; Amen

Original music for the texts used traditionally in many Holy Communion services.  PDF

Nunc Dimittis (Brief) and Amen

"Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace."  This text (Luke 2:29, KJV/RSV) is the first phrase of Simeon's song uttered when he saw the baby Jesus.  We have sung it as a choral benediction response.  PDF

Kyrie Eleison

Original musical setting, in English:  "Lord, have mercy upon us.  Christ, have mercy upon us.  Lord, have mercy upon us."  It is designed to be sung with a leader singing each phrase first and the congregation responsing, but it may be used without repeats once the congregation has learned the tune.  PDF


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