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Product Number / Title - Main Work / Title - Section / Comments

RHP001-00-RMW -  - God Be in My Head - SATB a cappella
RHP002-01-RMW - Missa Brevis in G - Kyrie - SATB a cappella
RHP002-02-RMW - Missa Brevis in G - Gloria - SSAATTBB a cappella
RHP002-03-RMW - Missa Brevis in G - Credo - SATB a cappella
RHP002-04-RMW - Missa Brevis in G - Sanctus - SSAATTBB a cappella
RHP002-05-RMW - Missa Brevis in G - Agnus Dei - SATB a cappella, plus Solo
RHP003-00-RMW -  - Praise Ye the Lord (Psalm 150) - SATB with Organ
RHP004-00-RMW -  - Te Deum - SSAATTBB with Organ
RHP005-01-RMW - Call to Remembrance - The Commandments of Love - SATTBB with Organ, optional Brass
RHP005-02-RMW - Call to Remembrance - The Branches, the Vine - SATB with handbells
RHP005-03-RMW - Call to Remembrance - All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Hymn
RHP005-04-RMW - Call to Remembrance - The Great Commission - SATB with Organ, optional Brass
RHP006-00-RMW -  - Have Mercy on Me, O God - a cappella, from Psalm 51
RHP007-00-RMW -  - Prayer for the Nation - SATB with Organ, optional Brass
RHP008-00-RMW -  - Into the Garden Gethsemane Dark - SATB with Piano
RHP009-00-RMW -  - The Lord Bless and Keep You - SATB a cappella
RHP010-00-RMW -  - Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation - SATB Hymn Arrangement - "Westminster Abbey"
RHP011-01-RMW - Dedication Triptych - Prayer for Guidance and Commitment - SATB, Children Unison, with Organ, optional Winds
RHP011-02-RMW - Dedication Triptych - Ancient Dances of Celebration - Wind Instruments, Snare Drum
RHP011-03-RMW - Dedication Triptych - Song of Service and Dedication - SSATB, Children Unison, with Organ, optional Winds
RHP012-01-RMW - Mass in d - Kyrie - SATB a cappella
RHP012-02-RMW - Mass in d - Gloria - SSAATTBB a cappella
RHP012-03-RMW - Mass in d - Credo - SSAATTBB a cappella
RHP012-04-RMW - Mass in d - Sanctus - SSAATTBB a cappella
RHP012-05-RMW - Mass in d - Agnus Dei - SATB a cappella, plus Trio
RHP013-01-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Processional - SATB a cappella and with Handbells, Brass, and Percussion
RHP013-02-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Adam Lay Ybounden - SATB a cappella
RHP013-03-RMW - Christmas Cantata - This Is the Truth from Above - SATB a cappella and with Flute, Oboe, and Drum
RHP013-04-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Savior of the Nations, Come - SATB a cappella
RHP013-05-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day - SATB a cappella with Drum
RHP013-06-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Now the Holly Bears a Berry - Two-part with Recorder, Percussion
RHP013-07-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Noel on the Mystery of the Nativity - Handbells
RHP013-08-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Gloria in Excelsis Deo - SSAATTBB a cappella
RHP013-09-RMW - Christmas Cantata - O Magnum Mysterium - SATB a cappella, plus Solo, with Trumpet
RHP013-10-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Brittany Carol - SATB a cappella
RHP013-11-RMW - Christmas Cantata - Word of Words - SATB with Organ
RHP014-00-RMW -  - Kum Ba Ya - SSAATTBB a cappella, with three-part percussion
RHP015-00-RMW -  - O Little One Sweet - SATB a cappella; Christmas
RHP016-00-RMW -  - Hereford Carol - SATB a cappella; Christmas
RHP017-00-RMW -  - Psalm 136 - Cantor/Soloists, SATB choir, Drum
RHP018-01-RMW -  - The Angel Came as in a Dream - SATB a cappella with Drums
Product Number TBD - Symphony in d - Tradition -
Product Number TBD - Symphony in d - Reassessment -
Product Number TBD - Symphony in d - Encounter and Transformation -
Product Number TBD - Symphony in d - Acknowledgement -
Product Number TBD - Symphony in d - Transcendence -


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